Frequency End value is not being included for multiplicative step
Tech Note: TN0851
Product: SigCalRP
Version: 4.2
Date Added: 2009-05-04
When performing a multiplicative step in SigCalRP, the designated Frequency End value is not included.
For example, if Frequency Start = 1000, Frequency End = 16000, Frequency Step is 2 the series will yield:
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000.
Add 1 to the desired value you wish to use for Frequency End.
For example, if Frequency Start = 1000, Frequency End = 16001, Frequency Step is 2, the series will then yield:
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000.
Update to the latest version of SigCalRP.